ArOmis’ organic neroli essential oil is steam-distilled from the blossoms of the bitter orange trees (Citrus aurantium amara) grown in many tropical and subtropical regions. Because of its intoxicating aroma and because the process of distillation requires special care, neroli is both highly sought after and higher in price. It is one of the more expensive essential oils, and is used in high-end perfumes and other beauty products.
Aromatically, neroli oil is similar to sweet orange oil but with a deeper, slightly spicy scent. It has strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
Uses & Benefits
Neroli oil is generally considered safe for use. However, always dilute oils into carrier oils like jojoba before using topically, and never ingest them. We recommend doing a test patch when using an oil that is new to you.
ArOmis’ neroli essential oil is certified organic in South Africa by the Swiss authority EcoCert. We support sustainable small-scale farming and fair trade practices where possible.