
Organic Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil

ArOmis Aromatherapy
Usually ships in 12hrs
$7.16 - $13.75
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Our organic lemon eucalyptus oil is derived from the leaves of the spotted gum tree (Corymbia citriodora) which primarily grows in northern Australia. The most prominent component in this is citronella, which most people are familiar with as a natural component in candles produced to ward off insects. 

Lemon eucalyptus oil can contain up to 98% citronella, and as such can be extremely effective as an insect repellant. The light, sweet scent of lemon eucalyptus is great to use in a diffuser through the summer months for this purpose and will promote a relaxing, uplifting atmosphere.  

Uses & Benefits

  • Use outdoors or indoors to freshen the air and repel mosquitos. 
  • Blend with cedarwood, frankincense, ginger, lavender, spearmint, or tea tree for therapeutic use or cleaning.
  • Blend into a natural carrier oil and use as an antiseptic for skin infections, ulcers, and sores.  
  • Use in a carrier oil for massaging aches and pains.  
  • As an anti-inflammatory, this oil may reduce the pain of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions when used topically. 
  • May support respiratory ailments including sore thoughts, sinusitis, bronchitis, and coughs when inhaled. 
  • May help to prevent tick bites and therefore Lyme disease. 

This oil can be used as a natural alternative to commercial insect repellants which may be irritating to some individuals.  

ArOmis’ essential oils and blends offer a natural alternative to many potentially toxic products, and are generally safe to use. But take precautions if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and follow instructions on the label. Do not ingest essential oils, and dilute if using topically. 

ArOmis organic essential oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade and extracted from a range of plants, trees, and flowers. Use them to create your own home remedies, cleaning solutions, and air fresheners. 

If you have questions about any of our products, we’re happy to help.

30 day return
2.00 (in)
2.00 (in)
2.00 (in)
Botanical Names:
Corymbia Citriodora
Parts of Plant Used:
Extraction Method:
Steam Distilled


  • 5
    This stuff is awesome. I mixed it with coconut oil, because that is what I had on hand just before going out on the boat for the weekend. Not one bite while hiking around on the island! Smells good also.

    Posted by Julia on Jul 3rd 2018


  • 5
    Products work great and the lemon adds a good scent to the candle. The bottle was shipped promptly and well packaged and arrived without incident.

    Posted by Judy on Jul 3rd 2018


  • 5
    Love it! I've been using it as a mosquito repellant mixed with lavendar, lemongrass, rosemary, citronella and grapefruit oils and it smells so nice.

    Posted by Leonardo on Jul 3rd 2018


  • 5
    Great product. We used this in our lawn sprayer attachment with diluted water to use as an organic alternative to toxic lawn bug spray.

    Posted by Maurice on Jul 3rd 2018
