Our organic lemon eucalyptus oil is derived from the leaves of the spotted gum tree (Corymbia citriodora) which primarily grows in northern Australia. The most prominent component in this is citronella, which most people are familiar with as a natural component in candles produced to ward off insects.
Lemon eucalyptus oil can contain up to 98% citronella, and as such can be extremely effective as an insect repellant. The light, sweet scent of lemon eucalyptus is great to use in a diffuser through the summer months for this purpose and will promote a relaxing, uplifting atmosphere.
Uses & Benefits
This oil can be used as a natural alternative to commercial insect repellants which may be irritating to some individuals.
ArOmis’ essential oils and blends offer a natural alternative to many potentially toxic products, and are generally safe to use. But take precautions if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and follow instructions on the label. Do not ingest essential oils, and dilute if using topically.
ArOmis organic essential oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade and extracted from a range of plants, trees, and flowers. Use them to create your own home remedies, cleaning solutions, and air fresheners.
If you have questions about any of our products, we’re happy to help.