Our cypress essential oil is steam distilled from the reddish bark and branches of the Taiwan species of the tree, Chamaecyparis taiwanensis. The scent of cypress oil can be described as spicy and fresh, reminiscent of other conifers but softer and sweeter.
Uses & Benefits
The soft, aromatic wood of these cypress trees has been in high demand for centuries. But with its slow growth and restricted growing region, this species has become vulnerable and is now protected in China and Taiwan. We source our cypress essential oil from a Taiwanese supplier who collects oil from fallen branches. The oil content of this species of tree can be as much as 60% of the total wood by weight, so a small amount of wood can produce a lot of oil.
We have a mission of sustainability that is fully expressed in our small agroforestry farmer-produced essential oils. In the spirit of fair trade and environmental stewardship, we do our best to partner with sustainable and fair trade businesses whenever possible. We aim to support those working to support the ecological conservation of vulnerable plant and tree species. We support the preservation of indigenous forests by growing high-value crops in harmony with the surrounding forests.