ArOmis’ clove bud essential oil is steam-distilled from the buds and flowers of the clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum. Clove trees are native to Indonesia and grow in other warm climates around the world. Aromatically, the spicy-sweet scent of clove is strong and is considered grounding, uplifting, and warming. Many cultures incorporate clove spice into cooking. It’s extremely versatile and is used to flavor dishes like meats, pies, soups, and teas.
Uses & Benefits
Generally, our oils are safe but use caution if using for the first time, always use diluted, and never ingest. With clove oil, take precautions if you are pregnant or nursing if you have liver disease, clotting, or immune system problems
Our clove bud essential oil is certified organic and imported from Srilanka. We are committed to partnering with sustainable and fair trade agriculture and local farmers when possible.
Enjoy the beautiful aroma of clove bud essential oil in one of our nebulizing diffusers today!